From this website: .
residents, email newspapers in Congressional
districts to tell America that their Congressman should get to
work for their own constituents and leave D.C. to manage its
Americans, email, call and fax your
Congressman to Get Them Back To Your Issues.
To Tell
Congress to abolish the D.C. subcommittees, resign his seat on
any D.C. subcommittees, and support legislation to let D.C. free
Congress to work for its constituents not local D.C.; support
legislation that promotes D.C. autonomy on fiscal, legislative
and judicial matters.
Email and fax
D.C. city officials and Congrssman Tom Davis
Alert!!! The House has passed
D.C. vouchers - by one vote. The bill to be debated in
the Senate.
Sept. 14.
Email the U.S. Senate Now to Urge them to Stop D.C. Vouchers.
EMAIL D.C. Officials and Congressman Tom
Davis, chair of the House D.C. subcommittee
Issue Summary and History: The United States
Senate and the United States House of Representative
committees on D.C. Appropriations have attached voucher
proposals to the D.C. Appropriations legislation (HR 2765,
authorizes spending of local and federal dollars for D.C..
This bill incorporates the voucher plan (HR 2556) of Rep. Tom Davis (R-
Since February 2003, Rep. Jeff Flake
(R-Ariz.-6) had sought through his bill, H-R 684 (and S.4, Part B
by Senator Judd Gregg), to institute taxpayer funded private
school tuition grants. HR 684 would award $3,750 to
1600 children at or near the
poverty line. Davis' plan, HR-2556, would reportedly grant
up to $7,500
to 2000 children.
would drain money from public education funds supporting
80,000 other D.C. children who would be left behind in public charter and
traditional schools.
studies on vouchers: click
Call the U.S. Senate at 202-225-5074 or
Political Analysis.
officials and others to oppose vouchers: Send your
email/FAX now!