Service on the D.C. subcommittee is a
political football that you only want in order to score a touchdown
onto the powerful Appropriations committee.
But what could you be doing for your constituents but for this? Read
Checklist Action
Needed/Members of Congress:
From this website: 1.
residents, email newspapers in
member districts to tell America that Your Congressman should
get to work for their own constituents and leave D.C. to manage
its own.
Americans, email, call and fax your
Congressman to Get Them Back To Your Issues.
Legislation Support. Support Autonomy for D.C.:
and advocate for this legislation pending in Congress.
Support Voting Representation in Congress :
"No Taxation Without Representation Act "H.R.1285 (by DC
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, 2003)
"S.716" (companion legislation in the Senate, sponsor:
Senator Joe Lieberman (CT) Read more
Read more on this legislation at the website of our own
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, coming
Support Budget Autonomy
Tom Davis consolidates power and is sole member of
oversight committee in the House.
Jeff Flake is
Exploiting D.C. Disenfranchisement by sponsoring legislation
Impose Vouchers
On Washington's local school system. (H.R. 684
introduced February 11, 2003;
Click here to see status)
Action Now!
1. D.C. Residents:
(Congress won't listen to D.C.. Congress will listen to their constituents!
The public face of Jeff Flake, via Mr. Flake's website
Duplicitous/Secret Representation.
He keeps quiet about the energy, service and time he is
devoting to D.C. issues. He has to spend lots of
time fending off local residents who oppose his legislative
intermeddling. You wouldn't know it from his public face -
his website.. He does not mention D.C.
on his website's 'Legislation' page.
Where does he mention his
sponsorship of the voucher legislation - somewhere two or
three links away from the home page, in the 'press shop' of his website. There
is no evidence of it elsewhere. See for yourself.
Is Cheating On His Constituents. He
has taken on this task to help, reportedly, the poor
underprivileged children of D.C. Surely, the
children of Arizona need him as well. At least
Governor Napolitano of Arizona thinks so. He is working
for D.C. residents but failing to fully disclose his
activities on the D.C. subcommittee to his elective
Apparently, on Mr. Flake's
watch, Arizona is feeling so neglected that Governor Janet
Napolitano, of Arizona, is planning to set up an office in
Washington to look after Arizona for herself. Mr.
Flake is just too busy trying to run the D.C. school
system to take care of his own!
Why Lobbyline Runs This Initiative
The Political
Campaign for Voting Rights Has A Substantive Face, A
Substantive Impact: A D.C. Public Schools graduate
and Parent Fights Congressionally Imposed Voucher Plan
Why Does a human service
advocate become embroiled in what is seemingly the mostly
political movement for
voting rights?
I am an attorney, an education reform advocate interested
in special education, a D.C. native, a D.C. Public Schools
graduate and a D.C. Public Schools parent. And I am
sick and tired of being sick and tired of Senator Kay
Bailey Hutchison (of special education cap on attorneys
fees fame) and now Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ-6)
trying to run the school system of Washington, D.C.
First it was Senator Hutchison and her colleagues capping
attorney's fees awarded to lawyers representing children
in the city's special education program. I have
wanted to do something about Senator Hutchison and company
and their incessant interference in this arena of D.C.
affairs. Now, Mr. Flake seeks to bring vouchers to
D.C. So, at Lobbyline, we approached these education
reform issues in this manner. We decided to
challenge Congress' authority on substantive and process
Why should I a
native and educated life-long resident of D.C. who is
herself a DCPS graduate and a DCPS parent and reformer
stand by and let Congress continue to impose their
experimental policies on a school system that I am
committed to reforming? What makes Mr. Flake more
qualified than myself and the many active, informed and
smart parents working to improve the system for our
children? The answer is nothing. I want
Congress out of D.C. affairs. I think that voucher
system supported by Mr. Flake will further erode the
financially devastated school system where I am on the
verge of having two children enrolled. The lip
service paid to improving the schools to attract and keep
residents, to deliver economic justice to the
predominantly black DCPS student population is just lip
service. Besides, one study done by a state
university in Mr. Flake's own home state - Arizona State
University - says that vouchers do not work. But
again, what business is it of Mr. Flake's? He does
not even sit on a D.C. Congressional subcommittee and he
is taking time out of his surely full Congressional
schedule to intermeddle in our affairs.
Well, what if
we turned the tables? What if we went en masse to
Mr. Flake's hometown to tell him how to run his
government? What if we joined in with Governor
Napolitano of Arizona to accuse him of neglecting his home
district and his state. Ms. Napolitano thinks so
little of Mr. Flake's performance on her state's behalf
that she is planning to set up an office here in
Washington for herself so that she can do the job that Mr.
Flake and company are not doing.
So, the people
want Mr. Flake to return to Arizona affairs while he is
meddling in those of D.C. Let's get Arizonans to get
Mr. Flake out of D.C. affairs. In fact, maybe
Arizona can be the launch of a campaign, to join all the
other voting rights campaigns, to get the whole of America
to call their Congressmen home, out of D.C. affairs and
back to the matters of their own home districts.
Lobbyline's new education reform and voting rights
campaign that seeks to a)educate Americans from the
home districts of Congressional members who legislate on
D.C. issues (b) mobilize these voters to tell their
Congressmen to resign from any D.C. subcommittees they sit
on (c) abolish all of the subcommittees (d) support and
supplement legislation to get Congress out of D.C. affairs
for good. Visit
and tell the home districts through their newspapers that
Representative Jeff Flake is cheating on his home
District, neglecting their issues. Every week we
will introduce a new member to our home district education
Process Reasons.
We geared up for an initiative to inspire an email
campaign targeting certain members of Congress to tell
them to stop their attempts to impose caps on attorney's
But, we at Lobbyline, who specialize in email as a vehicle
for connecting people to decision-makers were
disappointed, then intrigued to find that
many members of Congress will not accept email from
D.C. residents.
Although we can actually transmit email to Members,
some of them warn us that they won't respond.
So, we pressed ahead and thought what about starting an
email campaign to get Congress to accept our email?
That wouldn't work, because Congress will not read our
email and some are set up to reject our mail. This
is true even of those Congressmen on the D.C.
subcommittee. Even Representative Davis does not
invite our email. How would they know that we are
protesting their failure to read or accept our email?
We looked from another angle. Curious about what
this meant, we went digging around the websites of various
members of the D.C. subcommittee - current and
former, and what did we discover? Not only do they not
want email from D.C. residents, who our analysis argues,
are their non-elective constituents. There
is a big gaping hole around
the information that they provide to constituents visiting
their website,
Did you know that the D.C. subcommittee has one of the
highest turnover rates of e appropriations subcommittees
in the United States House of Representatives?
Did you know that most of the Congress, even members of
the D.C. subcommittees, fail to disclose to their
constituents on their websites their unique relationship
to the District of Columbia?
See our table for a comparison of
subcommittee turnover rates.
These members of Congress are keeping a secret from their
elective constituents.
All of Congress has the duty, which some gaily exercise,
but Congress barely mentions their constitutional nexus to
the governance of Washington, D.C. on their websites. Not
even the members of the subcommittees on D.C. explicitly
describe the positions they hold on these committees. No
wonder, as surveys suggest, fewer than half Americans know
of the plight of D.C. residents - the disenfranchised
stepchildren of this republic. Shame on Congress.
Well, it's time America learned what their
Congressional representatives are up to - governing
Washington, D.C.
So welcome to Lobbyline's latest project. We are
proud to join in the fight. This is our contribution to
the heroic effort of other warriors struggling
for autonomy for Washington D.C.